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网址:www.cehuac.aou1.cn  2023-12-28  作者:admin    阅读:

Communication driven event planning refers to planning that focuses on brand promotion and is supplemented by profitable sales. Nobel laureate in economics, Guangdong Tour, Community Film Tour, Concept Fashion Show and Customer Association, Chinese Film Media Award, and more. This type of activity focuses on the dissemination of media image, with logos and newspaper page images appearing in the form of background boards, brochures (pages), posters, white papers, gifts, etc. In addition, the participation of newspaper leaders in the opening, award, lottery or closing ceremony of the event often brings a shocking moment.
Entertainment political activity planning
Entertainment political activity planning refers to the planning carried out under the guidance of documents or human arrangements. Such as group life parties, social dances, etc. This type of activity is relatively not very large-scale, as it often focuses on students on campus, so its profitability and publicity are not strong. Relatively speaking, this purpose is relatively strong. Generally, it is to respond to various documents and calls from the country, province (city), and school, or to enhance emotional connections between people. At first glance, the forms are also quite diverse, such as singing, dancing, poetry recitation, on-site poetry and painting, answering questions, playing games, etc.
Hybrid event planning
兼备了以上两个类型的特点,既做营销又搞传播,属于“鱼和熊掌兼得”型,如2002广东通信节、中国酒业财富论坛、世界华文广告论坛、创意冷餐会等。这些活动往往以客户下单参与定额广告投放、读者掏钱购买报纸(剪角)等为前提条件获得参与活动的资格,而活动本身也将伴随着声势浩大的品牌推广行为。 在当前媒介经营市场竞争日益白热化的形势下,媒体将越来越多地扮演企业或准企业角色,将越来越倚重营销主导型和混合型活动策划,这个领域也将成为国内各大媒体未来的战场。
It combines the characteristics of the above two types, both marketing and communication, and belongs to the "fish and bear's paw" type, such as the 2002 Guangdong Communication Festival, China Liquor Wealth Forum, World Chinese Advertising Forum, Creative Cold Food Festival, etc. These activities often require customers to place orders and participate in fixed advertising placements, and readers to pay for newspapers (corner cutting) to obtain eligibility to participate in the activities. The activities themselves will also be accompanied by grand brand promotion activities. In the current situation of increasingly fierce competition in the media operation market, media will increasingly play the role of enterprises or quasi enterprises, and will increasingly rely on marketing led and hybrid activity planning. This field will also become the battlefield for major domestic media in the future.

